Thursday, September 13, 2007

Blade Runner Final Cut

Will it be released in theaters or what!? This was one of the films I was looking forward to at this year's New York Film Festival but sold out before my very eyes. Now the poster for the Final Cut is making the rounds on the internet but with NO release date! Would be great to see this film once again on the big screen. Luckily I have managed to catch every incarnation of this gem. Think i'll try and get this poster too. :D



sistersSurprise! Can't believe this poster has been released. Seems a bit different from the original... We'll have to wait and see how this remake turns out.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Eastern Promises

Holy Shit! I think I just witnessed the first oscar-worthy performance of the season. I FUCKING LOVE this time of the year.. So many movies, so little time. I practically left the screening room about an hour ago and I saw Eastern Promises, David Cronenberg's latest film. Viggo Mortensen (last seen in another Cronenberg masterpiece, A History of Violence) delivers a rock-solid performance as Nikolai, the driver for a London-based Russian crime family. When by circumstance he comes across Anna (Naomi Watts,) a midwife who stumbles upon damming evidence against the crime family, a violent chain of events is set in motion.

The big boss, played charmingly by Armin Mueller-Stahl and his son, France's totally random man Vincent Cassel also deliver great performances (when doesn't Cassel?).

Now onto the film poster. Can't say i'm wild about it. I love most of Cronenberg poster designs, ever since Shivers and up to History of Violence but this one... I wanted more. Maybe a body shot of Viggo's tattoos which mean a lot in the film...? Dunno. I may not get this one. But by all means, do see the movie!

El Orfanato

Finally found some great poster images for Picturehouse's The Orphanage.
Everyone that knows me know I love spooky children films. I hope this one does not disapppoint. I'll scour the web some more to see if I can find a place that has these for sale. Not too keen on the one featuring the female character. The spooky orphanage one is a MUST!!

Control Poster Now Ready

In anticipation for t's October release date, the British quad poster for Control is now appearing on the net. While I wouldn't classifly the film as "cool". the image displayed is cool, showing once again how much Sam Riley does resemble Ian Curtis. Can't wait for the US one-sheet as I am not fond of the size of Quad posters.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

New York Film Festival

So tickets went on sale for the 45th annual NYFF today. I've always considered this festival a bit too high brow for my tastes but every year the selection includes one or two movies I want to see. This year there were like four or five, including the Coen Brothers' latest, No Country For Old Men, Secret Sunshine, Blade Runner (recut version), and I forget what else. The ticket ordeal was like nothing I've ever experieced before - not even during the old camping overnight for concert tickets ordeals in the 1980s. Once again, I'll have to become a Film Society of Lincoln Center member in order to get in the early ticket sales program they run. I waited FIVE hours for tickets. One film after another was selling out before I reached the box office window and I ended up buying tickets for one film: The Orphanage. Oh - that's the one film I forgot! So far no poster yet for the festival;otherwise I would have posted it.