Friday, November 03, 2006

In The Mood...

I never got to see In The Mood For Love during its original theatrical run. Doing so left me feeling terrible after reading all the appraisals and accolades for Wai and DP Christopher Doyle. I did happen to catch it years later during a Wong Kar Wai retrospective at the Walter Reade Theater and the only word I could find to describe it then was "Brilliant". I've not wanted to see it on DVD ever since because I think it just won't be the same as seeing it in a darkened theater. It's also hard to describe -- for me -- what one feels after seeing it... would one have to be (or have been) in love? Or does it create a feeling of longing to love? I don't know. What I do know is that no other one-sheet has been able to capture the essence of the film as the Japanese poster. I know I keep bragging about Japanese posters but, really.. IT'S SO GOOD! My search for it is over, once again thanks to ebay.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Don't go out there!!!

Wow at last! Got my paws on this awesome Japanese Dawn of the Dead Director's Cut poster. Apparently it's a bit rare since there were only but few screenings of this version in Japan just when interest in the film spiked up again in the late 80s with the italian splatter film boom. I like this one much more than the theatrical original.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The ride is over...

Well it was a cruel summer and I haven't posted as often as I wanted to. I have gotten a few goodies since the last post and I'll be displaying them over the next few days as I get a chance. First up - The Hitcher.

The US one sheet is classic. C. Thomas Howell's eyes on the rearview mirror, while Rutger Hower's sillohuette stands in back of him waiting to hitch a ride. That poster gave us enough information of what was to come. This Japanese version, although not as creative in style still works for those have seen the film.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Why I'm... I'm Mrs. Voorhees, an old friend of the Christy's.

I started watching the Friday the 13th series of films recently. I won't go into whether they're 'classics' or just trash, i'll leave that up to you. What I will say is that the main poster image from the first film has always stayed on my mind. I think it's a perfect example of how the artwork carries the message of the film. Ok, in this case it's "KILL THE KIDS", but I love how, when I was a kid and saw the poster art, it created this sense of dread.. I wondered, should I even WANDER into the theater? It was a bold move for a kid -- AGE 9! But it gave me the balls to walk into others future 'classics'. This poster, an original, is in mint condition, albeit, folded, like many of its time along with the nss number. A keeper! I need to find my Final Chapter advance..

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Look up...

I went to an advance screening of Superman Returns this evening. While I was never thrilled with the advance teaser poster (just that "S") when I saw the final poster I was really impressed with the image that was chosen as it never seemed the way Supes had been depicted in the posters for the prior films. Apparently it was influenced by an Alex Ross painting and in the film, I was glad to see these images being used frequently. I think it shows Superman at peace (at least for a while) and contemplating his next moves. I picked up the final version of the poster (2-sided) at Chiller a few weeks back. A great purchase I think..

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My art... keeps me sane.

Early Cronenberg posters are difficult to come by. Just by chance I found it somewhat cheap.. I am assuming this one-sheet is the release version of Scanners. I've seen another with a bizarre design that I don't like. I think it was the old laserdisc cover too. THIS ONE, however, is classic. Watch this movie and you'll know that Michael Ironside was destined for cult stardom as Revok.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Can you cure me?

Today I got the one-sheet of The Elephant Man. Anyone who doesn't love this movie just doesn't have a heart.. ALTHO...... I love his one-eyed hood.. and it's so much like young Jason's in Friday the 13th Part 2. In any case, seek out the film if you haven't seen it.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I am the Nightrider. I'm a fuel injected suicide machine.

One of my most memorable experiences ever in a movie theater was Mad Max. I must have been 8 or so because it was shortly before I migrated to the US from Dominican Republic, my movie-island paradise. Well now, this beautiful Japanese one-sheet is mine. There are two of them. I hope to find the second issue poster some day.

What's wrong with killing?

Lots of new posters have arrived.. These are ultra special to me. Battle Royale remains unreleased -- but an American remake is on the way. While I really love the first film, for obvious reasons, it does have its flaws... the second film however, terrible is just too kind a word. I only got it to accompany it's big sister, BR.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Melt With You

They keep coming in... just got in Piranha, Incredible Melting Man and Creepshow. I certainly love the Piranha poster; the other two I got because I really love those movies. I am still waiting for the day Melting Man makes it to DVD with a decent transfer. On a trip to the UK I picked up the R2 DVD but it just doesn't cut it. Melting Man doesn't look chocolately gooey as I recall at the movies in one of my earliest movie experiences...

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Pablo's my #1 horror buddy outside the USA, and like me, he collects posters and all sorts of trash related to horror... so let me post for him some of my latest acaquisitions. He'll think I'm insane...

Monday, May 08, 2006


Ok, my new camera equipment has kept me from getting any new posters.. Hell, I still owe the credit card company a lot of dough with my last purchase.. I try to keep my debt at a bare minimum and *I* am heading downwards again.. but.. tonight I had to do it. I was in a bitter bidding war sith someone named aptly enough, Son*of*Satan over one of the rarest posters out there --- the Japanese BRAINDEAD (aka Dead Alive) poster. Needless to say, I won it. I won't say how much I paid for it.. Luckily it's a lot less than the last time it was on Ebay...

Monday, January 30, 2006

Chiller Lite

I like dark beer...but when it comes to Chiller, I actually prefer Chiller Lite. After more than ten years attending this show, it finally outgrew itself and imploded. This weekeend's show was the least attended Chiller I've ever been to. It's a blessing in disguise.. there were less dealers, less crowd, less "talent" to sign stuff and... less stuff to buy.. how I still managed to spend 150+ dollars I don't know. Well, I got amazing Humanoids From The Deep and Swamp Thing one-sheets. Yay!!

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Success! The Naked Lunch poster I saw in a shop in Tokyo going for over a hundred dollars is now MINE thanks to someone on ebay! I've found out more about the artist. His name is Hajime Sorayama and he's been drawing film poster artwork since the 80s.. his famous works include posters for Company of Wolves and even Peter Jackson's Braindead.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


I failed to win that awesome Quien Puede Matar a Un NiƱo poster as well as few others on ebay.. These guys must have some type of trick or software that helps them with bidding... I am glad i *DID* raise the prices on a few as revenge.. THE FUCKERSSSSS!!! Not only did I lose some cool Japanese posters but I also lost an original A SHORT FILM ABOUT KILLING Polish one-sheet... alas, the seller contacted me to sell me another, so I took it. Here it is. Isn't it amazing..?

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Damn I just sat through one of 2005's worst films! Mr. and Mrs. Smith! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?? My parents were here and since I can't go too extreme or too highbrow with our movie selections, we decided on that one. In the next few days I'll pick my faves for 2005.. not in the mood for blogging now actually... Well, the first day of the year was a blur. I need to get up in a few hours.. I wanna bid on that beautiful WHO CAN KILL A CHILD poster from Japan. DROOOLLLL. Later!